Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28 Venice & Treviso

Wednesday, October 28 -- Day 24 -- A Side Trip

Oops. I guess I didn't learn so well. Did you get a date and nothing more?

Treviso city walls

Yesterday we were promised the shower would be fixed tomorrow, which should’ve been today, right? Well, I guess “tomorrow” is more like “manana” than a US tomorrow. But we’ve got it down to a two person operation; not as sexy as it sounds. Soap up on our own, then call the other for the rinse, so the hose can be held with one hand and the spray with the other.

Today I went off to Treviso, about a 30 minute train ride to the north. Why did I go? Because my sister-in-law, who knows and loves Italy, suggested it. (Thanks, M.J.) I had no idea what to expect. Treviso is a small city with a beautiful university, a well-preserved centro, and - surprise! - canals. Not as many as Venice, but beautiful, running river water. The sound of the water is everywhere you go in the central area. It’s very uncrowded, upscale, and clean, especially compared to Venice. The shops are the ones you’d find near S. Marco. If poor people live there, they’re well-hidden. Walked pretty much the whole central core, the lovely main square, where I sat at an outdoor cafĂ© and enjoyed the Coronado weather, the university, the 16th century city walls, the duomo, the fish market, the civic center, and lots in between. Skipped the churches and museums. It was too beautiful a day.

Today I began to realize and appreciate how rarely I have time so totally to myself. Nothing I had to do, no place I had to be, nobody I had to please. This is the most independent and frankly, selfish, time I’ve had in over 40 years! And it’s delicious! I love having somebody to do things with and for, but this is sure nice for a once-in-a-while treat.

When I got back, I checked in on the students, and they’re all happy campers. Charlie is making good progress (he was finally convinced to use bigger pieces in some areas) and they’re all joking around. Jeannie from Florida is already on her second one, but her first wasn’t too large or complicated. Suzanne from Canada is making a real work of art. The materials - the smalti - are so gorgeous to begin with I think even I could make something pretty. I’m sorry Charlie didn’t plan to use any gold. This stuff looks like what’s in the basilica at S. Marcos.

He was on a roll and didn’t want to quit, so I went out for take-away pizza and we ate in the breakfast room. Now he’s back in the studio and I’m learning to post my own blogs!

16,570 steps

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